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AAT Student Stories: Nicola Ogden | AAT Level 2 & 3

Nicola is currently studying the AAT Level 2 & 3 Combined course and is well on the way to completing her studies. Find out what she has to say about studying with ICS Learn below.

I’ve always had a niggle in the back of my mind that I’d love to do something in finance, in my previous job to the one I have now I dealt with finance certain functions on a day-to-day basis which I really enjoyed and wanted to explore further but my job at the time didn’t allow/have any career pathway into the finance sector.

It wasn’t until I went on Maternity leave end of July 2022 that I took the plunge and enrolled to study whilst on maternity leave. I wanted to create a future where I have the flexibility to work around my kids, I have a 5-year-old and an almost 1 year old.

I did my research for quite some time before deciding to enrol with ICS Learn, I figured it would be best for me to learn/study online so I could work around my kids’ bedtimes.

Anne Marie, the course advisor, was so helpful in answering all my queries and questions regarding which course would best suit me, the bookkeeping, or the accountancy one, I was toing and froing between the two.

Once enrolled and started within a few days my course tutor, Mike Seagrove, contacted me to introduce himself and point me in the right direction.

Throughout Level 2 the support was really great, whenever I was stuck or needed more explanations, Mike was always happy to help and send me additional tasks so I could get a good grasp of the unit I was stuck on.

I started my Level 2 in September 2022 and took my final exam for this level July 2023. I’ve also joined a few Facebook/WhatsApp groups and the support from the students in these has been amazing, everyone helps each other out, no matter how big or small the question.

I feel although I had some experience in bookkeeping studying this course has given me a better grasp and better understanding of how everything works in the background, the manual way of bookkeeping. I look forward to starting Level 3, with hopes someday I can become a fully qualified freelance bookkeeper with views/possibility of advancing on to ACCA and become a qualified accountant.

I would highly recommend ICS Learn to anyone looking for online studying, the portal is easy to navigate, the resources are helpful, and the tutor support is great.


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